The Amazing Spiderman Characters and Narrative

Hero - Peter Parker
Heroine - Gwen Stacey
Princesses Father - George Stacey
Villain - The Lizard/ Dr. Curt Connors
Mentor - Uncle Ben
Helper - Aunt May

Equilibrium- Peaceful City.
Disruption- Dr. Curt Connors turns into the lizard and starts to terrorise the city.
Recognition- Peter Parker knows he has to use his new powers to protect the city.
Repair- Peter Parker defeats the Lizard and he gets locked up.
Reinstatement- The city is once again peaceful.

Semiotics - The Walking Dead

Semiotics is the study of signs. Also 'anything that stands for another thing'. 
There are denotations which are what we can actually see when we look at it. There are connotations which are what we can understand from looking at it.

The Walking Dead
You can tell that the man in the centre of the image is the main character because he is centre focus and bigger than the rest of the characters. The two people on the far left are mother and son as she is standing over him in a protective manor. The man next on the left is standing on his own showing he is alone and maybe the odd one out. Although he is the odd one out you can tell he is one of the more important characters as he is bigger than most others. The next two on the left are clearly less important than the rest as they are way further back and smaller in the image than the rest. The next two just to the left of the centre character are holding hands implying they are either in a relationship or related but one of them is way older so it is more likely that they are father and daughter. The two people to the right of the main character are clearly in a relationship as he has his arm around her waist. The next three on the left not including the zombies are also fairly important characters as they are bigger in the image but you can tell they're not necessarily within the same group as the others because they're completely separate from the other characters. Every one of the characters is dirty apart from the man in black showing he is probably most likely to be a separate group from the others.