Filming Planning and Editing

What we all did
I think our group got on really well together. We all had our own different strengths and weaknesses which worked really well because what someone wasn't great at, someone else was. I believe we worked really well a group because we also had fun whilst completing the filming. It went how it was meant to which shows we worked well together. We all gave what we could to the task before and during filming; Lucy and Bonnie provided the outfits and many props, Tom gave us the Christmas tree which was needed in the film, helped produced the storyboard and was a great actor for his role (Santa) and finally Chay worked really well with the camera and captured some really accurate shots and was also a good actor and helped with the storyboard. 


Chay and Tom mostly focused on the majority of the editing as they were best at it, Bonnie and Lucy continued to write up things onto the blog which included the production diary and how well the filming went. Tom and Chay were best at editing because they were good at working on little bits that needed fixing and Bonnie and Lucy set the order of the videos.