Evaluation Question 1

Title -  Saving Santa – we chose this title because it encompasses a simplified version of our films plot into 2 words allowing someone who hasn’t seen the film to comfortably assume what the films going to be about.
·      Setting/location – living room: a large, modern spacious room that had an American feel to it. It was graciously decorated, especially the fireplace and the tree, which was useful as Santa came out of the fireplace and so gave us an aesthetically pleasing shot.
Entrance hall: this was a smaller room with 4 doorways in it; it also contained a Christmas tree, which helped add to the Christmassy atmosphere.
Drive: there was a drive in the final few shots, but due to it being dark, you can hardly see it.
·      Costumes/props – Santa costume: we got a Santa costume from Lucy’s mums work as she works with children and they had it just lying around.
Elf costume – this also came from Lucy’s mums work and came with the Santa suit.
Robber costume – this was just simple face paint, black jeans, a hoodie and some paintball gloves Chay had at home.
·      Camerawork/editing – We all edited and had a go using the camera, the titles were done by Chay and Tom in terms of camera, with Lucy and Bonnie writing the titles. Tom had the idea for writing on the cookies, and so he also wrote on them, as it was his idea in the first place. Lucy and Bonnie filmed the rest of the film as Chay and Tom were in character being filmed. In terms of editing, we used adobe premiere, which was very useful as it was simple to use and gave us a lot of options to edit with. Things like the razor tool was very helpful, this tool enabled us to cut media to make it shorter and use transitions in the middle of the media like crossfade and roll across.