
On Thursday 11th December, our group decided to re-film. We got to the filming location after
school at about 4.00pm and it took about 2 and a half hours to re-film. We decided to change a few things which we discovered needing improving when we got our feedback back. This included title font as it was too unneat, I took the job of re-writing the titles to make them more festive and neat. Another thing we had to change was the Christmas tree as it was too small, we used a newer and bigger one for the second time filming which had lots more decorations on. I bought the outfits again and we re-did everything as our filming is one long continuous film for the titles.
We managed to capture everything we needed as the lesson after (Friday 12th) we saw that we had filmed everything correctly.

What went better this time was shadows, last time we got too many shadows in the background and the lighting wasn't good as it was too dark. Second time round, we avoided shadows and got some really good shots.

Second time filming photos 
Shown above are some photographs I took of Chay, Tom and Bonnie getting ready to film once we had decided on positions.
Below are some photos I took of the scene where Tom (Santa) is taken by Chay.